Mad Hatter Run Club.

“We wanted to create a place where people could meet up, go for a jog, have a yarn and enjoy a coffee or bevvy afterwards”.

This isn’t about performance, but it is about going along, getting it done and having some fun. Runs are weekly to encourage consistency, with different routes on rotation. Each week our run leaders will give you the heads up on the run course and any further info beforehand. Runners will get 10% off drinks and merch in the lab and take away.

  • I acknowledge and agree that the physical activities organised or conducted by Mad Hatter Run Club have inherent dangers and risks, including but not limited to falls and injuries sustained as a result of contact with other participants, injury or death. I understand that I am responsible for communicating any physical or psychological concerns that may prevent me from participating in an activity.

    I acknowledge and agree that due to the nature of the physical activities, it would be unreasonable for Mad Hatter Run Club to be in any way responsible for my injury or death. If, to the full extent permitted by law, waive all legal rights of action against and fully release Mad Hatter Run Club for loss, damages, injury or death howsoever arising out of, or concerning, my participation in the activities conducted or organised by Mad Hatter Run Club including without limitation, liability for any negligent or tortious act or omission, breach of duty, breach of contract or breach of statutory duty on the part of Mad Hatter Run Club, its officers, employees, representatives, organisers and agents.

    I acknowledge and agree that if I undertake an activity conducted or organised by Mad Hatter Run Club, this has been done freely, voluntarily and absolutely at my own risk and with a full acknowledgement and responsibility of the nature and extent of all risks involved.